Spring Fever Has Arrived With A Vengeance!
We’ve all heard of and probably experienced what’s known as “spring fever,” that restlessness that kicks in when the weather goes from cold and gloomy to fresh, bright, green and alive again! Well, this year, the whole world is getting a different kind of spring fever along with an unexpected and prolonged spring break. (Yes, I know those in the southern hemisphere are getting a fall break!)
This is not a joy filled spring fever. It is one in which hundreds of thousands of people around the world are dying as a result of the novel coronavirus 19 pandemic. There may be a few people still living who experienced the pandemic of 1918 that ravaged the world until December of 1920. However, in our lifetime, this is among the most devastating things we Americans have seen, especially here in the U.S.
Novel Experiences: Empty Shelves And Restricted Freedom
We Americans are accustomed to our freedoms. We are accustomed to store shelves always being stocked. Whether we ever use all the items or not, it is comforting to see the abundance of products that are typically available to us should we ever decide to use them. For the first time, with the exception of hurricane season, we are seeing shelves stripped bare of the most basic of life’s necessities. Canned items, as well as pasta and dry beans, rice and other dry good staples are pretty scarce. Paper goods and sanitizing wipes are as valuable as gold these days.
This novel virus is providing novel experiences that many are choosing to ignore. We are being asked to self-quarantine and to practice social distancing. Many young people feel invulnerable and invincible and are choosing not to heed the warnings. Also, many mature people who are not accustomed to staying mindful, are not maintaining the safe social distance as they move through the supermarkets.
A Time To Focus On What’s Important
I see this time as an opportunity to hunker down and focus on those things that are most important. Number one is health, and not just our personal health. The health of all human beings. We must consider the health of others as we make our trips to the supermarket or drug store. We must be aware that we could potentially be a carrier of this deadly virus and we must be mindful of our actions. What are we touching? How are we preventing a sneeze from becoming a potential murder weapon to someone we don’t even know?
There are people who are not in good health and are at greater risk than you may be. Hopefully these people are in strict quarantine. Nonetheless, we all need to become more mindful and grateful for our health and the wonderful things we have in our lives.
A Few Short And Sweet Reminders
This may seem like a cruel joke on Mother Nature’s part, and I’m not really sure she can be blamed for this, but whatever it is, it is here and it can serve as an opportunity to learn something about ourselves and others and our relationship to life itself. In the meantime, just a few reminders.
Take nothing for granted. Be mindful. Be respectful. Be compliant. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay well. Stay alive.